Welcome to Neals Dairy

Neals’ Dairy is a progressive pasture-based dairy farm based at Oxley Island, near Taree, on the Mid North Coast of NSW. It is family owned by the Neal Family. Please explore the site for more information.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Virtual Farm Tour

Below is a picture of the dairy which is a modern 60 stall rotary. It also features computerised ID technology for individual supplement feeding and automated drafting.

TThe herd is primarily based on Holstein genetics, although Jersey bulls are used over the heifers. Pasture makes up 80% of the diet, and the main species used are kikuyu, ryegrass and lucerne (alfalfa). The farm’s emphasis on a pasture-based system leads to pasture utilised on the milking platform of 10 tonnes of dry matter per hectare, which is well above average for Australian non-irrigated farms. 

The main goal of the farm is profitability, and the milk production target is around 6000 litres, or 450 kg milksolids per cow. With a stocking rate of 2.5 cows per hectare on the milking platform, this achieves 15,000 litres per ha and 1125 kg MS per hectare. Milk is produced all year round, achieved by batch calving. Extended lactations are used to minimise stress on cows and reduce cows culled for infertility. 


Laneways are formed with a clay that is locally sourced and appropriate for the transit of cows to the pasture. Silage and hay are made as the season permits and fed as required.